Stainless Steel Canopy Hood Grease Cup
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number190greasecup

High Borosilicate Glass Lightbulb Cover
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number190cl11

Stainless Steel Commercial Hood Grease Trap Pan
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number261greasepan

NAKS Duct Thermostat for Exhaust Hoods

Item number421thermost

NAKS SEAM_STRIPS 84" Stainless Steel Seam Strip
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number421seamstrip

NAKS END_CAPS 84" Stainless Steel End Cap
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number421endcaps

Giles 33589 Fan Motor

Item numberhp33589

NAKS GREASE_CUP Stainless Steel Canopy Hood Grease Cup
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

Item number421greasecup

CaptiveAire CK48HF25JF01-60-115 Motor

Item numberhp2ck48hf25j

Accurex 1039437 Motorchikees33G302Bb-0
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item numberhp310145

Accurex 1039438 Exhaust Fan Motor
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item numberhp310198

NAKS HINGE_KIT Standard Hinge Kit

Item number421hingekits

Gaylord 12791 Extractor 20"

Item numberhp12791

CaptiveAire DDP-106-313 Air Flow Switch

Item numberhp2ddp106313

Caddy 3118-03 Slat, 10 In

Item numberhp311803

CaptiveAire HBKIT-01 Hinge Kit

Item numberhp2hbkit01

CaptiveAire KBWC-16K Speed Control

Item numberhp2kbwc16k

Flame Gard LED-40000N-B Hood Light

Item numberhpled40000nb

CaptiveAire CK42BS04M01-60-115 Motor

Item numberhp2ck42bs04m

Gaylord 10246 Spring - 5/Pack

Item numberhp10246

CaptiveAire RB242D1100 Rocker Switch

Item numberhp2rb242d110

Aaon ASM00042 Blower Plate
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item numberhpasm00042

Aaon R90510 Blower Relay

Item numberhpr90510

Aaon S26197 Blower Ramp

Item numberhps26197

Accurex X300207 Mtr,56,Ba,Rl1304A

Item numberhp300029

Alto-Shaam 5021784 Baffle Bracket

Item numberhp5021784

Avtec AS GLB0201 Globe, Light

Item numberhpasglb0201

Avtec AS LNK0302 Link

Item numberhpaslnk0302

Avtec AS NZL0505 Nozzle

Item numberhpasnzl0505

Avtec EL ASY0304 Gas Delay Reset Assy

Item numberhpelasy0304

Avtec EL ASY0305 Gas Controller

Item numberhpelasy0305

Avtec EL DIS0305 Disconnect Handle

Item numberhpeldis0305

Avtec EL INV0302 Speed Control Vari Freq

Item numberhpelinv0302

Avtec EL PTN0301 Potentiometer

Item numberhpelptn0301

Avtec EL SEN0306 Photo Sensor

Item numberhpelsen0306

Avtec EL TPE0306 Reflector

Item numberhpeltpe0306

Avtec FA HOK0301 Hook - 10/Pack

Item numberhpfahok0301

Avtec HD BLK0302 Wear Block

Item numberhphdblk0302

Avtec HD BLT0302 Belt Conveyor Sec/8 Slat

Item numberhphdblt0302

$195.50/Linear Ft.
Avtec HD BLT0306 Slat, Conveyor

Item numberhphdblt0306

Avtec HD BRS0301 Brushes, Motor 3/4hp

Item numberhphdbrs0301

Avtec HD BRS0303 Motor Brush

Item numberhphdbrs0303

Avtec HD BSH0302 Bushing

Item numberhphdbsh0302

Avtec HD CAR0303 Tray Carrier

Item numberhphdcar0303

Avtec HD CAR0305 Tray Insert

Item numberhphdcar0305

Avtec HD CLR0305 Collar

Item numberhphdclr0305

Avtec HD PCK0301 Tray Pucks

Item numberhphdpck0301

Avtec HD PIN0301 Pin Assy, C2060

Item numberhphdpin0301

Avtec HD PMP0303 Pmp0303 Foot Valve

Item numberhphdpmp0303

Avtec HD ROL0323 Shaft W/ Roller

Item numberhphdrol0323

Avtec HD SHT0408 Shaft

Item numberhphdsht0408

Avtec HD SHT0601 Shaft

Item numberhphdsht0601

Avtec HD SHT0603 Shaft

Item numberhphdsht0603

Avtec HD SLT0302 Slat

Item numberhphdslt0302

Avtec HD SLT0303 Tray Slat

Item numberhphdslt0303
