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Hirsh Industries 21790 30 3/4" x 13" x 46 1/4" Blue 3-Shelf Book CartItem number42021790

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Pullout Keyboard Shelf, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1PSE-BItem number445ucpl1pseb

Hirsh Industries 21785 38" x 18" x 46 1/4" Putty 6-Shelf Book CartItem number42021785

Hirsh Industries 21788 30 3/4" x 13" x 46 1/4" Putty 3-Shelf Book CartItem number42021788

Item number445lp27bk

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, and Cord Storage UCPL1EItem number445ucpl1e

Luxor 18" x 24" x 24"-42" Black Steel Adjustable-Height Powered Mobile AV Cart with Locking Cabinet and Keyboard ShelfItem number445avj42kbc

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120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Black Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and 2 Drop Leaf ShelvesItem number445ucmt1dl

Hirsh Industries 21787 38" x 18" x 46 1/4" Blue 6-Shelf Book CartItem number42021787

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Black Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kb

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120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Royal Blue Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, and Cord StorageItem number445ucmt1rb

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Yellow Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, and Cord StorageItem number445ucmt1yw

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Red Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, and Cord StorageItem number445ucmt1rd

Hirsh Industries 21786 38" x 18" x 46 1/4" Black 6-Shelf Book CartItem number42021786

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Luxor 18" x 24" x 24"-42" Blue Steel Adjustable-Height Powered Mobile AV Cart with Locking CabinetItem number445avj42cbl

Luxor 18" x 24" x 24"-42" Blue Steel Adjustable-Height Powered Mobile AV Cart with Locking Cabinet and Keyboard ShelfItem number445avj42kcbu

Luxor 18" x 24" x 24"-42" Red Steel Adjustable-Height Powered Mobile AV Cart with Locking CabinetItem number445avj42crd

Luxor 18" x 24" x 24"-42" Red Steel Adjustable-Height Powered Mobile AV Cart with Locking Cabinet and Keyboard ShelfItem number445avj42kcrd

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Black Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, and Cord StorageItem number445ucmt1

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Black Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, 2 Drop Leaf Shelves, and 1 Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kbdl

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Red Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kbrd

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Royal Blue Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, 2 Drop Leaf Shelves, and 1 Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kbdrb

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Royal Blue Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and 2 Drop Leaf ShelvesItem number445ucmt1dlrb

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Royal Blue Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kbrb

120 Volts
Luxor 24" x 18" x 24"-42" Yellow Steel 3-Shelf Adjustable-Height Powered Utility Cart with 1 Safety Mat, Electrical Assembly, 15' Cord, Cord Storage, and Pullout Keyboard ShelfItem number445ucmt1kbyw

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Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1E-NItem number445ucpl1en

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Pullout Keyboard Shelf, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1PSE-NItem number445ucpl1psen

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black / Putty Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Pullout Keyboard Shelf, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1PSE-PItem number445ucpl1psep

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Locking Drawer, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1E-B-WTDItem number445ucpl1ebwtd

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Blue / Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1BUE-BItem number445ucpl1bueb

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Blue / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1BUE-NItem number445ucpl1buen

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Blue / Putty Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1BUEItem number445ucpl1bue

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Gray / Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1GYE-BItem number445ucpl1gyeb

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Gray / Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Locking Drawer, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1GYE-B-WTDItem number445ucpl1gybwtd

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Gray / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1GYE-NItem number445ucpl1gyen

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Gray / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Locking Drawer, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1GYE-N-WTDItem number445ucpl1gynwtd

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Gray / Putty Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1GYEItem number445ucpl1gye

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Red / Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1RE-BItem number445ucpl1reb

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Red / Black Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Locking Drawer, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1RE-B-WTDItem number445ucpl1rebwtd

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Red / Nickel Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Pullout Keyboard Shelf, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1PSRE-NItem number445ucpl1psren

Luxor Tuffy 24" x 18" x 42 1/2" Red / Putty Plastic 3-Shelf Powered Utility Cart with Heavy-Duty Casters, Electrical Assembly, and Cord Storage UCPL1REItem number445ucpl1re

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Luxor WT1642GYE-B Gray Tuffy 3 Shelf Adjustable Height A/V Cart with Black Legs - 18" x 24"Item number445wt1642gyb

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