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120 Volts
Avantco 24 Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Glass Door - 120V, 1600WItem number177lt93

220 Volts
Avantco 32 Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Glass Doors - 220V, 3000WItem number177lt105
Plus Member Price
Regularly $1,299.00

120 Volts
Avantco 12 Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Glass Door - 120V, 1000WItem number177lt87

120 Volts
Avantco 6 Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Glass Door - 120V, 450WItem number177lt06a

120 Volts
Avantco CFD10 Ten Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Removable Door - 120V, 1000WItem number177cfd10

120 Volts
Backyard Pro Butcher Series BSD-10T 10 Tray Food Dehydrator with 40 Hour Timer - 120V, 800WItem number554bsd10t

120 Volts
Backyard Pro Butcher Series BSD-6T 6 Tray Food Dehydrator with 40 Hour Timer - 120V, 800WItem number554bsd6t

120 Volts
Waring WDH10 10-Tray Food DehydratorItem number929wdh10
Contact us for details
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120 Volts
Excalibur COMM1 Stainless Steel One Zone Commercial Dehydrator - 2400WItem number358com1

120/208V Volts
Excalibur COMM2 Stainless Steel Two Zone Commercial Dehydrator - 5000WItem number358com2

120 Volts
Excalibur EXC10EL 10-Tray Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with Armored Glass DoorsItem number358exc10el