115 Volts
True TUC-72-HC 72 3/8" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc72hc

115 Volts
True TUC-60-HC 60 3/8" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc60hc

115 Volts
True TUC-48-HC 48 3/8" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc48hc

115 Volts
True TUC-24-HC 24" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc24hc

115 Volts
True TUC-27-HC 27 5/8" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc27hc

115 Volts
True TUC-36-HC 36 3/8" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc36hc

115 Volts
True TUC-48-LP-HC 48 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc48lphc

115 Volts
True TUC-72-ADA-HC 72 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc72adah

115 Volts
True TUC-24G-HC~FGD01 24" Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorItem number890tuc24ghc

115 Volts
True TUC-60-LP-HC 60 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc60lphc

115 Volts
True TUC-27-ADA-HC 27 5/8" ADA Height Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc27adah

115 Volts
True TUC-27-ADA-HC LH 27 5/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Left-Hinged DoorItem number890tuc27hcal

115 Volts
True TUC-27-C-HC 27 5/8" Compact Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc27ch

115 Volts
True TUC-27D-2-ADA-HC 27 5/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DrawersItem number890tuc27d2ah

115 Volts
True TUC-27D-2-HC 27 5/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DrawersItem number890tuc27d2hc

115 Volts
True TUC-27D-2-LP-HC 27 5/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DrawersItem number890tuc27dlph

115 Volts
True TUC-27F-FLX-HC 27 5/8" Undercounter Convertible Refrigerator / FreezerItem number890tuc27flx

115 Volts
True TUC-27G-ADA-HC~FGD01 27 5/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorItem number890tuc27gadh

115 Volts
True TUC-27G-HC~FGD01 27 5/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorItem number890tuc27ghc

115 Volts
True TUC-27G-LP-HC~FGD01 27 5/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorItem number890tuc27glph

115 Volts
True TUC-27-HC LH 27 5/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Left-Hinged DoorItem number890tuc27hcl

115 Volts
True TUC-27-LP-HC 27 5/8" Low Profile Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc27lphc

115 Volts
True TUC-27-LP-HC LH 27 5/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Left-Hinged DoorItem number890tuc27lhcl

115 Volts
True TUC-44D-2-HC 44 1/2" Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DrawersItem number890tuc44d2h

115 Volts
True TUC-44-HC 44 1/2" Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc44h

115 Volts
True TUC-48-ADA-HC 48 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc48adah

115 Volts
True TUC-48-C-HC 48 3/8" Compact Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DoorsItem number890tuc48ch

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-2-ADA-HC 48 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc48d2ah

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-2-HC 48 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc48d2hc

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-2-LP-HC 48 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc48d2lh

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-4-ADA-HC 48 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Four DrawersItem number890tuc48d4ah

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-4-HC 48 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Four DrawersItem number890tuc48d4hc

115 Volts
True TUC-48D-4-LP-HC 48 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Four DrawersItem number890tuc48d4lh

115 Volts
True TUC-48G-ADA-HC~FGD01 48 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc48gadh

115 Volts
True TUC-48G-HC~FGD01 48 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc48ghc

115 Volts
True TUC-48G-LP-HC~FGD01 48 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc48glph

115 Volts
True TUC-60-32D-2-HC 60 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc6032d

115 Volts
True TUC-60-32-HC 60 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DoorsItem number890tuc6032h

115 Volts
True TUC-60-ADA-HC 60 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter RefrigeratorItem number890tuc60adah

115 Volts
True TUC-60D-2-HC 60 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc60d2h

115 Volts
True TUC-60D-4-HC 60 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Four DrawersItem number890tuc60d4hc

115 Volts
True TUC-60G-ADA-HC~FGD01 60 3/8" ADA Height Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc60gadh

115 Volts
True TUC-60G-HC~FGD01 60 3/8" Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc60ghc

115 Volts
True TUC-60G-LP-HC~FGD01 60 3/8" Low Profile Undercounter Refrigerator with Glass DoorsItem number890tuc60glph

115 Volts
True TUC-67D-2-HC 67 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Two DrawersItem number890tuc67d2h

115 Volts
True TUC-67D-4-HC 67 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Four DrawersItem number890tuc67d4h

115 Volts
True TUC-67-HC 67 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Two DoorsItem number890tuc67hc

115 Volts
True TUC-93D-2-HC 93 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Two Doors and Two DrawersItem number890tuc93d2h

115 Volts
True TUC-93D-4-HC 93 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with One Door and Four DrawersItem number890tuc93d4h

115 Volts
True TUC-93D-6-HC 93 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Six DrawersItem number890tuc93d6h

115 Volts
True TUC-93-HC 93 1/4" Undercounter Refrigerator with Three DoorsItem number890tuc93hc