Can I use this reach-in refrigerator to cool hot food?
No, reach-in refrigerators are intended for keeping cold food chilled, not chilling hot food. If you are looking for a unit to quickly chill hot food, check out our Avantco Refrigeration blast chillers.
Does Avantco warrant this item for use in a food truck?
Avantco warrants new equipment sold to food truck customers to be operational for a period of 30 days from the date of delivery if installed and maintained correctly.
How do I correctly install the shelves into this unit?
To promote proper air flow through your Avantco unit, please ensure that the wire ledges on the shelves are positioned toward the back of the unit. These ledges help keep enough space between your product and the back wall so that cold air can adequately circulate through the cabinet. Incorrectly installing the shelf ledges can restrict airflow, causing the temperature in the bottom of your unit to rise.
How do I install the shelving or food pans on the middle section of my 3-door reach-in?
In order to install the shelving or full-size food pans into the middle section, open the door on the right side 180 degrees, then open the middle door 180 degrees to access the shelf rails.
How should this reach-in freezer be installed?
This 3-door reach-in freezer should be installed on its own dedicated electrical circuit, in a well-ventilated room where ambient temperatures are 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. While this freezer is ideal for frozen food, we do not recommend it for long term storage of ice cream.
I haven’t heard of R-290, R-600a, R-513a, or R-448A refrigerant before. What is it?
R-290 (also known as high purity propane or CARE 40) and R-600a (also known as refrigerant grade Isobutane or CARE 10) are hydrocarbon refrigerants. R513a (also known as Opteon XP10) and R-448A (also known as Solstice N40) are HFO (hydrofluoroolefin) refrigerants. They are being used by some manufacturers in response to the EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program.
My unit was delivered, but I don’t see any casters?
The units come with casters preassembled underneath the pallet.
What type of environment is best suited for this reach-in?
It is important to install this unit in a location that is not in direct sunlight. This unit is intended for indoor use in temperature-controlled environments with ambient temperatures below 75 degrees and 60% relative humidity.
Will this Avantco 3 section reach-in fit through my door?
To verify that it will fit, measure your door frame and make sure that the door is slightly larger than the dimensions of the unit. Measure all the doorways this item will need to travel through to get to the room within your building where it will be installed. This unit will not fit through most standard door frames.
Will this unit fit full size food pans?
Yes, as a standard feature, this unit accepts full size food pans.
Will this unit work optimally in an environment where frequent door opening occurs?
No, this unit is intended for back-of-house storage use where the doors are not constantly being opened and closed. If you need a unit for constant access to product, try a smaller single or two door unit that is built to handle a higher frequency of access.
Can this item fit through a standard height 80" doorway ?
Due to the height of this item, it may not be able to fit through a standard 80" tall doorway when standing upright. Please consider the best means of entry before purchasing, or measure your entryway to ensure that you will be able to bring your order inside if the item cannot be carried on its side.