36CaseLibbey DSD-7 Desert Sand 7 1/4" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 36/Case

Item number959dsd7

12CaseLibbey PWC-50 Princess White 12" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc50

24CaseLibbey DSD-8 Desert Sand 9" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 24/Case

Item number959dsd8

36CaseLibbey NR-7 Kingsmen White 7 1/4" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 36/Case

Item number959nr7

36CaseLibbey PWC-7 Princess White 7 1/8" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 36/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc7

36CaseLibbey BF-6 Hakone 6 1/4" Square Stoneware Plate with Round Detailing - 36/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959bf6

24CaseLibbey NR-8 Kingsmen White 9" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 24/Case

Item number959nr8

12CaseLibbey NR-16 Kingsmen White 10 1/2" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 12/Case

Item number959nr16

36CaseLibbey NR-6 Kingsmen White 6 1/2" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 36/Case

Item number959nr6

24CaseLibbey PWC-9 Princess White 9 3/4" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 24/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc9

36CaseLibbey DSD-6 Desert Sand 6 1/2" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 36/Case

Item number959dsd6

36CaseLibbey PWC-6 Princess White 6 5/8" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 36/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc6

12CaseLibbey DSD-16 Desert Sand 10 1/2" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 12/Case

Item number959dsd16

36CaseLibbey NR-5 Kingsmen White 5 1/2" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 36/Case

Item number959nr5

36CaseLibbey PWC-31 Princess White 6 1/4" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 36/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc31

12CaseLibbey BF-8 Hakone 9" Square Stoneware Plate with Square Detailing - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959bf8

36CaseLibbey PWC-5 Princess White 5 1/2" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 36/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc5

24CaseLibbey NR-9 Kingsmen White 9 1/2" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 24/Case

Item number959nr9

12CaseLibbey BF-10 Hakone 10 1/2" Square Stoneware Plate with Round Detailing - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959bf10



Libbey STW-10 Los Ranchos 10 3/4" White Speckled Stone Tray - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959stw10



Playground Embrace 10 1/4" White Eco-Gres Half-Deep Coupe Plate - 6/Case

Item number959718269139


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24CaseLibbey DSD-9 Desert Sand 9 1/2" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 24/Case

Item number959dsd9



Libbey STB-10 Los Ranchos 10 3/4" Brown Speckled Stone Tray - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959stb10

36CaseLibbey DSD-5 Desert Sand 5 1/2" Brown Speckle Ivory (American White) Narrow Rim Stoneware Plate with Brown Bands - 36/Case

Item number959dsd5

12CaseLibbey PWC-37 Princess White 11" Ultima Cream White Round Rolled Edge Stoneware Plate - 12/Case
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number959pwc37



Playground Embrace 6 3/4" White Eco-Gres Half-Deep Coupe Plate - 6/Case

Item number959718179139


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36CaseLibbey NR-22 Kingsmen White 8" Ultima Cream White Narrow Rim Round Stoneware Plate - 36/Case

Item number959nr22



Libbey DULCET-1C Dulcet 10 5/8" Cream Stoneware Dinner Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet1c



Libbey Canyonlands 9" Blue Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109766


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Libbey Canyonlands 9" Mauve Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109776


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Libbey Canyonlands 9" Tan Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109756


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Libbey DULCET-2P Dulcet 8 5/8" Pink Stoneware Salad Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet2p



Libbey Canyonlands 11 1/8" Blue Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109767


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Libbey Canyonlands 11 1/8" Mauve Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109777


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Libbey Canyonlands 11 1/8" Tan Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109757


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Libbey Canyonlands 7 5/8" Blue Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109765


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Libbey Canyonlands 7 5/8" Tan Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109755


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Libbey Canyonlands 8" Mauve Terracotta Stack Plate - 12/Case

Item number959109775


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Libbey DULCET-1G Dulcet 10 5/8" Gray Stoneware Dinner Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet1g



Libbey DULCET-1P Dulcet 10 5/8" Pink Stoneware Dinner Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet1p



Libbey DULCET-2C Dulcet 8 5/8" Cream Stoneware Salad Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet2c



Libbey DULCET-2G Dulcet 8 5/8" Gray Stoneware Salad Plate - 12/Case

Item number959dulcet2g



Playground Embrace 10 1/4" Black Eco-Gres Half-Deep Coupe Plate - 6/Case

Item number959718269137


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Playground Embrace 6 3/4" Black Eco-Gres Half-Deep Coupe Plate - 6/Case

Item number959718179137


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