Item number25475lctwefl

Item number25475lctwesu
Item number25475lctwefl
Item number25475lctwesu
Walk-in accessories for coolers and freezers will make your storage space safer for employees. We carry several types of non-skid tape designed to resist the moisture that accumulates inside your refrigerator or freezer. Place tape near the doorway of your cooler and deeper inside the unit to prevent staff from slipping on condensation. You can choose from different sizes and quantities of tape that come on convenient rolls.
Our selection of walk-in refrigerator parts also includes cleaners, gaskets, and strips which keep your storage area in the best possible shape year-round. Use floor strips and gaskets to create an airtight door seal, and connect an exterior ramp to your refrigerator so you can wheel food carts into the cabinet. We also have heaters and hoods made for outdoor walk-in units, which protect your equipment from harsh weather.
Also make sure to check out other great items from Kitchen Brains.