Parts & Manuals for Pitco SE18R-D 70-90 lb. Solstice Electric Floor Fryer with Digital Controls - 208V, 1 Phase, 22kW

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Pitco 60059302 Gasket, Drain Line

Item number61460059302

Pitco 60134002 Driver Bd. Cntrl, B.L.

Item number61460134002

Pitco B6664301 Rack, Filter Support

Item number6146664301

Pitco A2510101 Curved Drain Ext 9.67in

Item number614a2510101


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Pitco A3301001 Clean Out Rod

Item number614a3301001

Pitco A6653505 Filter Hose

Item number614a6653505

Pitco B6623202-C Hose with Nozzle

Item number614b6623202c


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Pitco B6663901 Filter Clip

Item number614b6663901

Pitco B6664303 Filter Support

Item number614b6664303

Pitco PP10056 Cleaning Brush

Item number614p10056

Pitco 50006609 Heating Element

Item numberhp50006609

Pitco 60130803 120v Motor Haight

Item numberhp60130803

Pitco 60134301 Actuator, B.L. Motor Lh

Item numberhp60134301

Pitco 60134302 Actuator, B.L. Motor Rh

Item numberhp60134302

Pitco B6629701 Filter,Paperless Support

Item numberhpb6629701

Pitco B6664103-C Fltr,Pan Assy Sefd Ppr

Item numberhpb6664103

Pitco B6665101 Elbow Drain

Item numberhpb6665101

Pitco B6674802 Pick-Up Tube

Item numberhpb6674802

4Set4" Swivel Plate Casters - 4/Set

Item number190cw2t425f1

Pitco P6072184 Equivalent 17" x 8 1/4" x 6" Twin Fryer Basket with Front Hook

Item number190fb1785

Pitco P6072185 Equivalent 17 1/8" x 5 1/2" x 6 1/8" Triple Fryer Basket with Front Hook
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number190fbtriple

Pitco P6072186 Equivalent 17 1/2" x 17 1/2" Mesh Fryer Screen

Item number190fs175175


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Pitco B5008101 Crumb Scoop

Item number6145008101

4SetPitco B3901504 4" Swivel Casters - 4/Set

Item number614b3901504

Pitco B6681201 Filter Crumb Scoop

Item number614b6681201
