Parts & Manuals for Halifax LBSHP1423 Type 1 Low Proximity Commercial Kitchen Backshelf Hood System - 14' x 23"

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Stainless Steel Canopy Hood Grease Cup
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number190greasecup

Heavy-Duty Hinge Kit

Item number190hinghd

Standard Hinge Kit

Item number190hings

Unbreakable 12 Watt LED Light Bulb

Item number190ledbulb

NAKS GREASE_CUP Stainless Steel Canopy Hood Grease Cup
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

Item number421greasecup

Halifax Heavy-Duty Hinge Kit

Item number421hdhing

Halifax Standard Hinge Kit

Item number421stdhing
