Cocktail whisks feature a long and thin handle that ends in a petite whisk, allowing you to stir and aerate various cocktails. These products are perfect for beating egg whites in drinks such as the pisco sour and round robin, giving them a creamy and frothy texture. Additionally, you can use these bar whips for aerating small batches of food, whisking several eggs, or mixing one or two ingredients.
Cocktail whisks are the perfect product for mixing drinks at your bar, nightclub, or banquet hall. These bar whips feature a miniature whisk that can fit into bar and cocktail glasses, allowing you to aerate individual drinks to a creamy and frothy texture. Additionally, these products can be used for mixing and incorporating small amounts of ingredients in the kitchen. Several of our cocktail whips are also made from stainless steel, so you know you’re getting a durable and long-lasting bar tool. For more bar equipment, check out our
cocktail shakers,
bar caddies, and
bar utensils.