110 Volts
Eurodib CORT-F Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 14 1/2" x 10" Cooking Surface - 110V, 1800WItem number980cortf
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

110 Volts
Eurodib CORT-L Panini Grill with Grooved Top and Smooth Bottom Plates - 14 1/2" x 10" Cooking Surface - 110V, 1800WItem number980cortl
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

110 Volts
Eurodib CORT-R Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 14 1/2" x 10" Cooking Surface - 110V, 1800WItem number980cortr
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib PDF3000 Double Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 20" x 10" Cooking Surface - 220V, 3000WItem number980pdf3000
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib PDL3000 Double Panini Grill with Grooved Top and Smooth Bottom - 20" x 10" Cooking Surface- 220V, 3000WItem number980pdl3000
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib PDM3000 Double Panini Grill with Grooved Top and Smooth Left Bottom - 20" x 10" Cooking Surface - 220V, 3000WItem number980pdm3000
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib PDR3000 Double Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 20" x 10" Cooking Surface - 220V, 3000WItem number980pdr3000
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

120 Volts
Eurodib SFE02325 120 Single Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 10" x 10" Cooking Surface - 120V, 1800WItem number980sfe02325
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

120 Volts
Eurodib SFE02340 120 Single Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 14" x 10" Cooking Surface - 120V, 1800WItem number980sfe02340a
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

240 Volts
Eurodib SFE02340 240 Single Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 14" x 10" Cooking Surface - 240V, 2400WItem number980sfe02340d

110 Volts
Eurodib SFE02340 Single Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 14 1/2" x 9 3/8" Cooking Surface - 110V, 1800WItem number980sfe02340
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

120 Volts
Eurodib SFE02345 120 Single Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 14" x 10" Cooking Surface - 120V, 1800WItem number980sfe02345a
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

240 Volts
Eurodib SFE02345 240 Single Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 14" x 10" Cooking Surface - 240V, 2400WItem number980sfe02345d

220 Volts
Eurodib SFE02360 Double Panini Grill with Smooth Plates - 17" x 9 1/4" Cooking Surface - 220V, 2900WItem number980sfe02360
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib SFE02365 Double Panini Grill with Grooved Plates - 18" x 11" Cooking Surface - 220V, 2900WItem number980sfe02365
This item was discontinued by manufacturer.

220 Volts
Eurodib SFE02375 Double Panini Grill with Smooth Left Plates and Grooved Right Plates - 18" x 11" Cooking Surface - 220V, 2900WItem number980sfe02375