Flexsil Lid

Flexsil Lid Food Storage Products

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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

Flexsil Lid Products Protect Your Buffet Foods and Keep Them Fresh And Ready to Serve

Flexsil Lid was started as a way to eliminate the extensive use of plastic wrap and foil in the food industry. Rather than spending time and money on disposable wrap, Flexsil Lid products can fulfill a similar role and protect your foods. Not only is this better for your business’s profits, but it also cuts down on your restaurant’s carbon footprint. Read more

Flexsil Lid products protect your food for extensive periods of time, keeping it fresh when stored in fridges and cool rooms. In the foodservice industry, properly maintaining food temperature is critical to prevent foodborne illness. Not only are these lids convenient to use, but they’re also easily washable, ensuring you can use them time and time again.