Dial Soap Products
Dial Soap and Hotel Supplies Make Your Guests Feel at Home
Dial was founded in the 1940s, and they immediately revolutionized the home care industry by introducing the world’s first antibacterial soap. Today, they are one of the largest and most recognizable brands of soap in the U.S., and they ship their soap and hotel supplies all over the world. Dial is dedicated to helping people stay clean and healthy, and they are also interested in providing sustainable solutions that can help preserve the environment for future generations. Read more
Since the invention of the first antibacterial soap, Dial soap and hotel supplies have evolved to clean moisturize, and even nourish the skin. Today, Dial offers a wide catalog of products that extends past soap into body wash, hand soap, lotion, and sanitizer. And, while their original soap was intended for residential use, you can also find their soaps and body washes in hotels all across the world.


Dial Bar Soap
Provide your customers with Dial bar soap to help them stay clean and nourish their skin, so they have a more pleasant stay.
10 Products

Dial Hotel Toiletries
Dial disposable hotel bath amenities includes everything your guests need to make their stay feel welcoming and comfortable.
38 Products