Austrian Alps Food Products
Add Everyone's Favorite Cheese to the Menu with Austrian Alps Food Products
Although the production and techniques of Gruyere have modernized, Austrian Alps has created a Gruyere that is true to the classic flavor that everyone knows and loves. Made according to the traditional recipe of Gruyere, Austrian Alps's Gruyere could be mistaken for the original cheese produced in Alpine caves around the area of La Gruyere, Switzerland many years ago. As versatile in use as it is in flavor, add this Gruyere to your dishes or charcuterie boards to enhance your everyday menu. Read more
Carefully crafted from the sweet milk of the cows that graze on the Alpine meadows of Austria, these cheeses are taken an extra step further for authenticity by being aged in rooms that mimic caves, where Gruyere was first taken to mature. Recreating this cool, humid climate gives Gruyere its special firm, supple texture and nutty, mild taste. Add Austrian Alps food products to your dishes and cheeseboards for a classic addition to any menu.