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Product Overview

  • Allows you to effortlessly scrap and pre-rinse dishes all in one step
  • Recirculates water to save on utility costs
  • HydroLogic sensing technology turns the unit off when an operator walks away
  • Pot and pan basin is ideal for soaking cookware, school trays, and sheet pans up to 26" wide
  • Stainless steel construction; 208-230V, 3 phase, 3 hp
UPC Code:400016350562

Salvajor 300 PSM Specs

Shipping Weight
309 lb.
24 1/2 Inches
33 3/16 - 36 3/16 Inches
Cutout Width
45 1/2 Inches
Cutout Depth
22 Inches
11.7 - 12.7 Amps
60 Hz
3 Phase
208 - 230 Volts
Basin Style
Pot and Pan
Stainless Steel
Adjustable Legs
3 hp
Power Type
Water Inlet Size
1/2 Inches
Water Usage
Water Volume
30 Gallons Recirculated

Salvajor 300 PSM Details

Enhance efficiency and reduce waste with this Salvajor ScrapMaster food scrapper / waste disposing system. By circulating warm water into a steady plume over the scrap basin, your staff can effortlessly scrap and pre-rinse dishes all in one step. Cold water is introduced directly to the disposer grind chamber, while food waste falls directly into it. With just 7 gallons of new water used per minute that recirculates at 30 gallons, this waste disposing system helps to save on utility costs.

Thanks to the steady stream of recirculated water flowing over the scrap basin, operators can use both hands to handle dirty dishes, which more than doubles your scrapping speed and reduces splashing when compared to a standard overhead pre-rinse setup. With a simple control panel and patented HydroLogic sensing technology, this unit couldn't be easier to use. When the operator walks away from the system, sensors automatically start an adjustable timer that will turn the unit off, greatly reducing water consumption while the unit is not in use. Baked-on or dry food removal is no problem either! The large pot and pan scrap basin allows you to let stubborn soiling on your dishes soak while cleaning others like cookware, school trays, and sheet pans up to 26" wide.

An all stainless steel construction with adjustable legs ensures that this unit will withstand rigorous work environments. For increased reliability, this disposing system is also made with watertight conduits and fittings, thermally protected and enclosed motors, a non-clogging pump design, and corrosion-resistant plumbing components. Best of all, the 3 hp disposer comes with a cover and built-in safety switch for peace of mind. This unit requires a 208-230V, 3 phase electrical connection for operation.

Overall Dimensions:
Depth: 24 1/2"
Height: 33 3/16" - 36 3/16"

Cutout Dimensions:
Width: 45 1/2"
Depth: 22"

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Because this item is not stocked in our warehouse, processing, transit times and stock availability will vary. If you need your items by a certain date, please contact us prior to placing your order. Expedited shipping availability may vary. We cannot guarantee that this item can be cancelled off of the order or returned once it is placed.

Attention CA Residents:
  • UL Listed, US

    UL Listed, US

    This product has been certified by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to meet applicable safety standards required for use in the United States.

  • CE Listed

    CE Listed

    This product complies with the standards imposed by Conformance European (CE).

  • CSA, Canada

    CSA, Canada

    This product has been certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to meet requirements for electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical products in Canada.

  • Hardwired


    This product must be hardwired by a professional; it does not plug into a standard wall outlet.

  • 1/2" Water Connection

    1/2" Water Connection

    This unit comes with a 1/2" water connection for water supply.

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Salvajor 300 PSM

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