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Product Overview

  • Sweet, tropical mango flavor
  • Allows you to serve Philadelphia-style water ice in your establishment
  • Convenient, ready-to-serve water ice
  • 8 oz. cup is ideal for merchandising in kiosks, concession stands, or frozen dessert cases
  • Ships frozen
UPC Code:186013000142


Shipping Weight
5.9 lb.
Gluten-Free Kosher Made in America Peanut Free Vegetarian
Package Size
8 fl. oz.
Package Type
Single Serve
Perishable Type
Frozen Foods
Total Case Size
0.75 Gallon
Frozen Novelties Italian Ice


Add a taste of Philadelphia to your dessert menu with this Philadelphia Water Ice mango Italian ice! Featuring a smooth texture and a sweet, tropical mango flavor, this Italian ice will quickly become a customer favorite. It's prepared according to a traditional Philadelphia recipe, making it a true taste of Philly that your customers are sure to love. This water ice is ideal for serving as a refreshing treat on a hot summer day or as a sweet end to any meal.

This ready-to-serve Italian ice makes it easy to offer sweet and cool treats in your establishment. This pre-portioned 8 oz. cup offers a generous serving that will satisfy any craving! Merchandise this product in your kiosk, concession stand, or frozen dessert case in your grab-and-go area or convenience store. It's a great option for your guests to beat the heat and for you to promote profitable impulse purchases in your establishment.

Experience the cool and authentic taste of Philadelphia Water Ice, the quintessential frozen treat that will have customers lining up out your door! Expertly handcrafted with passion for over 35 years, Philadelphia Water Ice is a delightful fusion of smooth, velvety ice and vibrant flavors, providing your customers with a refreshing way to beat the heat. Made from the finest ingredients and crafted with an unwavering dedication to quality, their iconic line of water ice and water ice bases allows you to bring the flavor of Philly to your menu. Whether served as a standalone treat or creatively incorporated into your dessert menu, Philadelphia Water Ice products are sure to become a summer staple in your establishment!

Attention CA Residents:
  • Frozen Food

    Frozen Food

    This item is shipped frozen. You will need to ensure this item is stored at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

  • Made in America

    Made in America

    This item was made in the United States of America.

  • Gluten-Free


    This item is gluten-free per the manufacturer.

  • Orthodox Union Kosher

    Orthodox Union Kosher

    This item is certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union.

  • Vegetarian


    This item is vegetarian per the manufacturer.

  • Peanut-Free


    This product does not contain peanuts.

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Frequently Asked Questions From Customers

What is the difference between an Italian ice, a slushy, and a snow cone?
An Italian ice, also known as a water ice, is very smooth and its flavoring is mixed into the ice before or during freezing. A slushy, also known as an Icee or granita, typically comes in icy liquid form, and the flavor is added before the freezing process.

For a crunchier product, snow cones use larger, shaved ice, that is generally flavored at the point of sale.

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