Get your canned foods open as quickly as possible with a crown punch can opener. These units cut your prep time down significantly, since each one is designed to open up to several hundred cans a day. Punch can openers quickly remove the tops from cans in one swift motion. Some of these units even feature dulled blades that ensure metal slivers don’t get into the food, as well as magnetic lid removal systems to make the whole process quick and easy.
You can purchase a punch can opener in a variety of sizes to find one to fit your kitchen’s needs. Some can openers have blades available in multiple sizes and systems that allow you to swap them out, so you can use the same machine to open different size cans. You can also purchase a unit with different safety precautions. Many manual options have blade guards surrounding the area where the top of the can goes, while electric openers have two-hand systems to ensure the person operating it is safe.