
Salubrino Food Preparation Equipment

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Professionally Prepare Meats with Salubrino Food Preparation Equipment

Based in Toronto, Salubrino creates a variety of solutions designed for storing and preparing meat products. Their parent company, Omcan, was founded in 1951 and has remained dedicated to helping their customers prepare, cook, and serve food. Since its foundation, Omcan has grown to create a robust distribution network, allowing them to stay connected to the foodservice industry across all of North America. Read more

Salubrino food preparation equipment allows you to store and cure meat products as you see fit. They offer curing cabinets with several different capacities, ensuring that you find that cabinet that fits your menu’s needs. Furthermore, many of their curing cabinets allow you to control temperature, humidity, and ventilation, ensuring that you create the perfect conditions for your meats.