Hudson Valley Foie Gras

Hudson Valley Foie Gras Duck Products

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Source Well-Respected Specialty Meats by Using Hudson Valley Foie Gras Duck Products

Deep in the scenic Catskill Mountains lays Hudson Valley Foie Gras, co-founded by Izzy Yanay and Michael Ginor. With 200 acres of lush land, they have the first vertically integrated U.S. foie gras farm, using techniques from their work in foie gras production in Israel. With over 40 years of experience in foie gras production, they revolutionized the U.S. and Canadian foie gras markets, making Hudson Valley Foie Gras duck products top-tier and well-respected. Read more

Hudson Valley Foie Gras duck products are made from USDA-inspected ducks. These ducks are raised in cage-free barns for protection from weather and predators. Plus, all parts of the animal are used, with nothing going to waste.

Hudson Valley Foie Gras Duck

Serve the finest delicacy to your guests with Hudson Valley Foie Gras duck.

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Hudson Valley Foie Gras Specialty Meat

Hudson Valley Foie Gras specialty meat creates a memorable dining experience for your patrons.

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