CLR Pro Commercial Cleaning Products
CLR Pro Products Keep Your Kitchen Equipment and Restroom Sparkling
Starting 50 years ago, CLR Pro created a wide range of cleaning products targeting tough messes. Their mission of finding solutions to tackle difficult cleaning problems made CLR the #1 selling calcium, lime, and rust remover in the world. Not only are their products effective, but they also meet safety and sustainability guidelines to help preserve the environment. Read more
CLR Pro products range from restroom cleaners to buckets to refrigeration chemicals. These products improve the look of your establishment and also prolong the life of your expensive equipment. Keep every area of your restaurant, bar, club, or cafe clean and germ-free by stocking up on cleaning supplies.


CLR Pro Delimer / Descaler
Use CLR Pro delimer and descaler for equipment that frequently comes into contact with water to prevent damage.
16 Products

CLR Pro Mechanical Chemicals and Lubricants
Keep your machinery functioning at peak capacity by utilizing CLR Pro mechanical chemicals and lubricants.
11 Products