- Finish:
- Chrome
I wanted the unit on wheels, so, per the instructions, I ordered the wheel/post combo, the shelves, and the racks. We were shorted a rack, but we contacted WRS, and they were very good about getting another out to us quickly. You will need more electrical ties than they provide to make sure that the wine rack inserts don’t shift. Also, Regency’s wire-work is a little less than optimal. All four racks are slightly different in shape, as they must be hand-welded. One was a good 3/4” shorter at one end. That meant a bit thinner bottle ends up on the upper left, and that we didn’t have as tight contact with the support shelf on top. They do store a lot, and, if you take the extra precaution of a few more tie-downs, they store a lot of wine, and they’re easy, especially with the wheels, to roll into storage, and out for easy cleaning. The rack, loaded, is quite heavy, but we use them in a pull-out arrangement, for which they work quite well.
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