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Product Overview

  • Shields food from stray food particles, dust, and germs
  • Protects against airborne contaminants
UPC Code:10099511418500

Cambro H06005 Specs

Shipping Weight
5.25 lb.
Made in America
Sneeze Guards

Cambro H06005 Details

Shield both your food and your customers with the help of this Cambro H06005 top sneeze guard replacement kit. It's specifically designed to replace the sneeze guard that originally came with your Cambro KVC854C or KVC856C CamKiosk. This sneeze guard will help to keep stray food particles, dust, and germs off of your food, protecting them as well as your customers from airborne contaminants. This sneeze guard also comes with 4 telescoping poles for easy assembly.

Because this item is not stocked in our warehouse, processing, transit times and stock availability will vary. If you need your items by a certain date, please contact us prior to placing your order. Expedited shipping availability may vary. We cannot guarantee that this item can be cancelled off of the order or returned once it is placed.

  • Made in America

    Made in America

    This item was made in the United States of America.

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