Feature the Iconic Taste of FAMOUS AMOS™ Snack Foods for a Perfect Dessert
Wally Amos started FAMOUS AMOS™ in 1975 with an undeniably delicious chocolate chip cookie recipe and a dream. Before his entrepreneurial ventures, Amos started his humble journey by learning how to make chocolate chip cookies in his Aunt Della's apartment in New York City. Now, Aunt Della's original recipe is enjoyed world-wide by consumers everywhere, with variations including chocolate chip pecan and double chocolate. Read more
FAMOUS AMOS™ chocolate chip cookies feature a fluffy cookie dough base with real semisweet chocolate chips folded throughout. They're perfect for cafeteria lines or vending machines to let customers pick out a delicious snack, or inserting them into packaged school lunches. They can also be featured near check-out stations at concession stands or in grocery stores for impulse purchases. Whether stocking up shelves or using as a dessert topping, add FAMOUS AMOS™ snack foods for a product that every customer loves.