Verified Purchase
The taste is what you expect, but the functionality of the bottle is terrible, as it comes separated (oil on top, the hardened sauce on the bottom). Initially I thought it was due to my storage, but I ordered another case and kept it room temperature. It was still the same. The weather is too cold for Webstaurant to be storing them they way they do. Even when I put the bottles in warm water to melt the sauce it is still very separated and not until the 3rd use (after 120g) of wasted product that it comes out normal. Near the end of the bottle a lot of product gets wasted as it can't be squeezed out.
1 out of 1 found this review helpful
Thank you for your review, Wesley! In addition to keeping the bottles at room temperature, it's also recommended to shake this product before use, as this should help to reduce separation. If you have any further questions, please reach out to our Customer Solutions team.