
Oreo Cookie Products, Toppings & Packages

by  Mondelez

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Provide Amazing Snack Foods by Utilizing Oreo Cookie Products, Toppings, and Packages

Oreo was first introduced in the U.S. in 1912, and quickly became an extremely recognizable brand. Today Oreo is one of the world’s top-selling cookies and is sold in countries all around the globe. With their iconic flavor and signature shape, Oreo cookies are a fantastic way to add a popular item to your store or menu. Read more

Oreo cookie products, toppings, and packages are an extremely versatile addition to your store or restaurant. Oreo products can be sold as they are, boosting impulse sales and providing customers with a quick snack. However, you can also take advantage of the versatility of the Oreo cookie by using them in several different baking recipes or adding them to sweet treats as a topping.