Reist 50 lb. HI-POP Organic Butterfly Popcorn Kernels

Reviews for Reist 50 lb. HI-POP Organic Butterfly Popcorn Kernels

Item #: 380popbflorg

Attract your customers to aromatic, freshly-popped popcorn made from these Reist organic butterfly popcorn kernels! Butterfly-style popcorn has irregular shapes with light, fragile wings protruding from all sides. Butterfly-style popcorn has irregular shapes with light, fragile "wings" protruding from all sides. Larger than medium-sized kernels, these kernels produce generously-sized butterfly popcorn to fill your popcorn bags, boxes, and tubs with less product, while still ensuring high-volume output and maximum profitability. When popped, these kernels feature traditional yellow color that will grab your customers' attention, ensure high-volume output, and maximize profits!

Overall User Rating:

4.7 stars from 44 reviews

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars

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