Golden Barrel 96 oz. (6 lb.) Coconut Oil

Reviews for Golden Barrel 96 oz. (6 lb.) Coconut Oil

Item #: 101coconut96

Use this Golden Barrel 96 oz. (6 lb.) coconut oil in place of butter, shortening, or other cooking oils for a variety of cooking and baking applications! Coconut oil continues to be on the rise for its versatility and excellent performance, and you can use it for many menu items, from traditional to trendy. With its high smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, it's a great choice for frying. Use it for freshly-popped popcorn at your concession stand, or use it to help make dairy free or gluten-free baked goods at your restaurant or bakery!

Overall User Rating:

4.9 stars from 83 reviews

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars

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oil coconut great price cooking baking taste flavor quality buy

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