Lesaffre Yeast Corporation Products
Choose a High-Quality Yeast for Your Recipes with Lesaffre Yeast Corporation Products
Lesaffre Yeast Corporation was one of the first yeast manufacturers and distributors in the world. Over 150 years ago, Lesaffre helped bakers switch out their sourdough starters as a rising agent for a new one: yeast. Now, Lesaffre has expanded their products to offer a more complete baking ingredients collection, including merging Red Star Yeast into their product line, so anyone can achieve the best in baking. Read more
Lesaffre Yeast Corporation products are a necessity in commercial kitchens. Their yeast is packaged in small or bulk portions, so you can choose the right amount you'll need in your restaurant, cafe, or bakery. Lesaffre's commitment to exceptional quality and dependable consistency makes their products a smart choice for your establishment.