
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

1 Customer Reviews

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Frequently Mentioned

  • food
  • degrees
  • pan
  • temperature
  • tilted
  • unit
  • cold
  • liquid
  • pans
  • refrigerator

Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Review by

Samuel H. from Harper & Hopkins, LLC

Posted on 12/29/2022

Verified Purchase

This unit seems to be good and is a great price per pan for cooling. I need to call out a few things, though, that might affect your operation. The front to pans are 1/6 sized 4" deep and are tilted. If you have any liquid in them, then you'll lose some depth as the liquid will tilt. In other words, the contents will spill out if you fill the pan too much because it's tilted. This unit is not meant to be used as a permanent refrigerator. It is meant to hold already cold food at a safe temperature -- the food you add must already be cold. If you put in warm food, it takes a long time to chill it to a safe temperature. For example, to drop 75 degrees water in the pan to 39 degrees took six hours. The unit does not have a defrost Read More

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